This exercise is to demonstrate systems thinking vs local optimalisation.
Short version
1 can walk. 99 sit and count till 10 before they stand up. If tagged, start counting again. Goal game: minimal number people standing after 1 min.
After 1st attempt reflect with the whole group
After 2nd attempt give solutions by questioning rules
Variation: standing people stay standed even after being tagged.
Solution: everyone can tag. So everyone tags herself or himself every 5 seconds.
A tag is a reminder to improve. Why not remind yourself?
Morale; focus on system and not on parts.
Long version
[Facilitator has timer app ready]
“For the next exercise I need a volunteer. Any one?”
[Turning attention to the volonteer[
“Okay. That’s marvellous.
What is your name?”
“Okay, in this exercise Bob is the only one, who is allowed to walk.”
[Türning attention to the other people[
“The other people you can sit down. What I want you to do, is to count till ten. If you are at ten, you stand up. Do you understand this?
Good. Now, if you get tagged, then start counting again from 1 to 10.. Okay? So if you get tagged by Bob, you start counting 1, 2, etc.
If you standing and get tagged, you sit down and start counting 1, 2, etc.
The goal of the game is to keep a minimal of number of people standing after 1 minute.
[points to timer app ]
[Turning attention to Bob[
“Bob are you ready?”
[Bob nods]
“3 2 1 go.”
[After 1 minute]
“Bob, you did run a lot.”
“Yes, that was a lot of tagging.”
“That is right, but you broke one rule: you were only allowed to walk.”
“Walk?! Hm, I forgot.”
“Let’s help Bob to give some suggestions to keep the number really low and keep him from running. You have 5 minutes.”
[After 2nd attempt]
“The number really did decrease. That was good thinking. Now I noticed, that you shifted chairs. Now I want to you to think really hard: is it possible to sit in a square formation and get a lower number?
I s it possible to reduce the number to 0?
Is it possible to get that number with Bob taking no steps?”
[In case of no clue]
“I have a question for you: who can tag?”
“Did I mention, that Bob was the only person could tag?”
“If someone was standing and got tagged by Bob, the person could sit down and start counting again.”
“That’s right. But before that statement , did I mention a rule, who can tag?”
“Everyone was thinking about the tagging game the kids like to play. Okay. What is the solution to the problem, if Bob is not the only one, who can tag?”
“the person next to me can tag me.”
“Good. Other options?”
“I can tag myself.”
“Let’s have another look to tagging. Suppose the tag is a reminder to improve someone else. And Bob is the manager reminding to improve. Only a small group will improve. Why not improve as a group?”