Translating Agile Testing Condensed the unconvential way – part 3

Obligatory summary

In the previous episode I figured out a faster way to translate Agile Testing Condensed from English to Dutch. I put the English text file on my iPhone. Then I used VoiceOver and Acrobat Reader to read the text aloud. Then I used Dictate to enter the Dutch text into a Note.

Reduction of language switching

For the translation I used the iPhone which could only handle one language at a time. I had to use the Rotor frequently to change the language of the screen reader. It was like switching a dial every ten seconds. I really wanted to skip the dialling.

Why should I restrict myself to one single device?
I could use one device for English and one device for Dutch. Every device keeps his own screen reader language during the whole translation.

My choice was to use the iPhone to read the English source text aloud and a PC for entering the Dutch target file.

Reduction of correction

The use of dictation was becoming a burden. There were so many typing errors, that I needed more time to edit the text. I read a strange Dutch word and then tried to find the right Dutch word. With four strange words in a long sentence, this was not the way to translate.

Another way to enter the text was the keyboard of the PC. No more correcting text by Dictating the text again and again. The PC had a proper keyboard, so what was I waiting for?

Choosing Fusion

On my Windows PC I had Fusion installed. It contains two programs. JAWS is a screen reader, Using the arrow keys on my keyboard I can listen to my translated text. It also speaks aloud the words I typed.

Combine this with Word. This text editor supports auto correction and spelling control. While typing I got enough feedback in case of typos. There are specific sound effects to make auto correction and mis spelling clear.

Note to my fellow Dutch citizens: Fusion is covered by your health insurance under certain conditions.

Another note to my fellow Dutch citizens: the screen reader NVDA is free, but users are requested to donate.

Did I still need Acrobat reader for the English file? Apparently not, so I started to use Notes on my iPhone again.

Then I added the translated sentence in Word with the Dutch text. On my return on my iPhone, I got a wonderful feeling. VoiceOver continued, where I had left the file the last time. That is an advantage of the cursor.

Finding the right sequence once again

This led to the following actions. The first serie was:

  • Set the screen reader language to English on the iPhone, open Notes with the English file on the iPhone, and go to the sentence to be translated.
    Use VoiceOver to speak the sentence aloud.
  • Set the language of the screen reader on the PC to Dutch. Open Word with the Dutch file and go to the end of the file.
    Use the keyboard to enter the text.

The second and following series were:

  • Switch to Notes with the English file on the iPhone and go to the sentence to be translated.
    Use VoiceOver to speak the sentence aloud.
  • Switch to Word with the Dutch file on the PC. Use the keyboard to enter the text.
    Use the keyboard to enter the text.
  • Rinse and repeat.

After the first serie, I did not need to open any file, find the right sentence, and set the right screen reader language. Was this a typical case of Agile Translating?

Final edit

After a few months it was time to check my translated work. I opened the English source file in Notes on the iPhone and the Dutch target file in Word on the PC. After a swipe I heard the English text. After a press on the keyboard, I heard the Dutch text.

Come to the Dutch side.

Translating Agile Testing Condensed the unconvential way – part 2

Obligatory summary

In the previous episode I joined a group of volunteers to translate Agile Testing Condensed from English to Dutch. I put the English text in a Note on my iPhone. Then I used VoiceOver to read the text aloud. Then I used Dictate to enter the Dutch text into another Note.

Reduction of navigation

For my translation, I read a sentence in the English source file. Then I opened the Dutch target file to dictate the translated sentence. Every time I had to close and open a file. A more annoying thing was, that I had to find the location in the file.

Some Windows apps have the option to open several files at the same time. Using the shortcut Alt + Tab, it was easy for me to switch between two different files. On my iPhone I looked to the Notes app, which I used for my translation work. Notes only could only open one single file at a time.

Time to use Windows again for finding a solution for my problem. Windows offers a way to open several apps at the same time. Also in this case, Alt + Tab is simple way to switch between apps. The iPhone has an App Chooser. I could use the Notes app for the Dutch target file for editing. Another app was needed to read the English source file.

If I would change between the apps, I would be on the same page.

Choosing Acrobat Reader

Now I needed a file reader to open the file with the English text. My obvious choice was Acrobat reader which could handle files with different formats,

Note to my fellow Dutch citizens: the basic version of Acrobat reader is free.

My first impression of Acrobat Reader on my iPhone was strange. The app showed the whole page on a small screen. The words were very small. I did not need to zoom in, because I used VoiceOver, I swiped through the file, until I found my next sentence to translate. It was like driving on hearing.

Then I added the translated sentence in the Note with the Dutch text.  I swished back to Acrobat Reader for my next sentence to be translated. On my return in Notes, I got a wonderful feeling. My cursor was still at the end of the file with the Dutch text. This would save me a bit of time.

Finding the right sequence again

This led to the following actions. The first serie was:

  • Open Acrobat Reader with the English file, set the language of the screen reader to English and go to the sentence to be translated.
    Use VoiceOver to speak the sentence aloud.
  • Open Notes with the Dutch file, set the System Language to Dutch and go to the end of the file.
    Use Dictate to enter the text.

The second and following series were:

  • Switch to Acrobat Reader with the English file, set the language of the screen reader to English and go to the sentence to be translated.
    Use VoiceOver to speak the sentence aloud.
  • Switch to Notes with the Dutch file and set the language of the screen reader to Dutch.
    Use Dictate to enter the text.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Another obstacle

After dictating several sentences, I read some strange Dutch sentences. The words were Dutch, but the wrong were in the file. Somehow, Dictate could not handle my Dutch sentences. And, I am a Dutch native speaker.

Maybe Dictate was not trained or tested to write complete sentences about Agile Testing. This is quite understandable, but it was a great annoyance for my translation work, I needed to check all my sentences.

I felt a disturbance in the translation.

To be continued.

Translating Agile Testing Condensed the unconvential way – part 1

Finding the right words has some challenges. I added assistive technology for extra flavour. Have a nice meal.

Obligatory introduction

In the years after the publication, different translations were released. I fancied about translating the book Agile Testing Condensed by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory. Then Yves Hanoulle asked for native Dutch speakers for help. I volunteered.

Being able to speak different languages has some advantages.

Choosing VoiceOver

My favourite tool for writing is my smartphone. I used an iPhone and it has some great benefits for blind and visual impaired users. VoicOver is a screen reader. This tool can read text shown on the screen aloud.

If I could put the text to be translated in a file, then I could listen to it. After changing English words to Dutch words, I would be able to listen to the translated text.

Note to my fellow Dutch citizens: VoiceOver is free. It is a standard feature of the iPhone.

Choosing Notes and Dictate

Now I needed a text editor for my translation on the iPhone. My obvious choice was Notes, which had enough functionality. I added the text to be translated into a file which is called a note. I added another note for the Dutch text.

Note to my fellow Dutch citizens: the app Notes is free. It is a standard app on the iPhone.

Then I looked for a fast way to enter the text. There was a Dictate button left from the Space button on the keyboard. Another useful feature for blind and visual impaired users.

Note to my fellow Dutch citizens: Dictate is free. It is a standard feature of the iPhone.

Using Notes, VoiceOver, and Dictate

The first translation attempt was started with opening the English note. I listened to the first sentence, Then I opened the Dutch note and pressed the Dictate button. With due care. I said the Dutch words aloud. I stopped the dictation and saw something strange: there were English words instead of Dutch words.

These are not the words which I was looking for.

What had happened? I read the words and tried to figure out some weird theory. I took a small pause. Let me first take a look at the facts. Phonetically, the English words cane close to the Dutch words.

Why were English words used instead of Dutch words? VoiceOver had no problems with reading aloud the English text. Dictate still used English as a standard language. I had  set the system language to English, because I read a lot of English on my iPhone.

 Luckily, I could change the language using the Rotor. It would cost me some twists and swipes on the screen.

Finding the right sequence

Then I noticed that only one Note can be opened at any time. So, I needed to open and close note files on very frequent rate. This led to the following set of actions.

  • Open the English file, set the language of the screen reader to English and go to the sentence to be translated.
    Use VoiceOver to speak the sentence aloud.
    Close the English file.
  • Open the Dutch file, set the language of the scren reader to Dutch and go to the end of the file.
    Use Dictate to enter the text.
    Close the Dutch file.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

That is a lot of switching of languages and files. Period.

Being able to speak different languages has some disadvantages.

To be continued.

Sharing knowledge about testing and other things on my mind